I heard this massage a while ago from a friend who live nearby. From his info, I know the massage will be very similar with The Legendary Beer Massage. So I went there and a bit surprise when I saw the same person as the manager. I asked if this is the branch, but it isn't. It's different owner. This place has the same concept with Body Arum. Ground floor is salon complete with some foot massage chairs. First floor is for the body massage. Because he knew my purpose of coming, he shown me the freeze massage "menu" only. He didn't mention if they have other kind of massage.
The massage place is relatively small. There's only 1 vip room. The rest about 3 massage rooms, sharing 1 aircon. The vip room was occupied, so I don't what's inside. There's only 1 bathroom for the 3 rooms. The bathroom was kind of dirty. It's not like a 100rb+ massage kind of place. They should do something about that. And their generator was kind of loud. This is everyones' problem. Hopefully they get their electricity soon.
A girl, look nice, good body was introduced being my massasue. From the way she talk, even though she tried her best to drop it out, I think she is from eastern Indonesia. But she looked nice ok (6/10). The routine was the same. The freeze oil is so cold, but it gave a different sensation. Good enough for me. The massage is very similar with beer massage. Please read that if you haven't. But I feel better sensation in beer massage. The touch and rhythm was just right in beer, here it's a bit less. I think because they just opened and learned doing it? This is more to the girl than the place, isn't it?.
This place was a lot more straight forward when doing the hand job. She was ok when I opened my sexy paper underwear. She didn't allow me to touch, but viewing and kissing ok. But again, it depends on the girl. I heard from some friends, Suci didn't want to do hand job. Others is wild enough to be topless.
interesting.... how much it cost for this kind of Massage?
anyone know if Beer Massage still open? heard from some friends that it's close?
175.000 per 1.5 hr.. is it closed? oh too baddd..
I will be in Bali this weekend, your blog seems to be very interesting and like the way you have been enjoying every moment...Is this type of massage still available anywhere in Bali?
yupe this place is in Bali, denpasar to be precise. Just follow the google map cordinate
that's great...will surely visit and hope I have a great time like you...many thanks.
call this manager to book a vip room: 081.805.377.812
You are really great...thanks!
I tried to call and the number is wrong. I m in Bali now, dialled exactly as you gave me.
try this one: 081.353.092.962
he keeps changing his number.. arggh.. if you can't reach him.. you just might go there at noon time before 4PM.. it won't be many people there..
Sorry mate! I didn't use the international dialling code coz m on roaming! Manage to book at 6pm. Any girl in specific I shd select? Cheers!
6pm on sat night? oh no bro.. but you might get lucky.. if you like sensual touch ask for cika or suci..
if you like something a little wild but the touch is a little worst.. try dian..
siska was ok for the last choice.. others mmm.. don't think so..
Why mate? After 6pm its crowded? That's only slot the manager proposed, will take your advice on the girls.
yeah normally it's full..
Uncle G, salute u for your recommendation. An experience that need to be repeated! It was what you said. Cika was excellent! Thank you so much! Must buy u drink...
Hi Uncle G.
If you're talking about Cika... Do you mean the Cika that worked before in Body Arum Spa?
How about Dian ... does she look great?
According to your opinion. Who do you prefer the most as it comes up to the complete package. Going toples and giving great service. Any girls that are giving a BJ as well?
The price is 175k for 1.30h is there still negotiating to do when you ask her to go topless? What's your total damage?
Many questions but I like your work my friend. Went several times to Body Arum and didn't regret having Cika there. (Only HJ ... never asked for more though, you can have more with any other girl?)
marley: glad to hear that bro!
explorer: cika and suci are from body arum. dian mm.. so so. I would go for cika and suci. their touch is excelent. yeah they won't do more than HJ. I've asked before.
I've tried like 3 girls in this place.. none of them asked for tips before the job done..
Hi Uncle.
Didn't had time to wait for your reply and went to the place :)
Like what you already told before. The manager is the same person from Body Arum. I drove by BA and it seemed to me that the place is still open. Anyway...
Had a talk with the manager and because Cika (my favorite) was already busy he recommended me Joyce was that she's a very loose person trying to have a good time with you. Lot's of joking around during the session and I liked that. A bit funny is the background music. It's a bit of rock and rap. Very strange but not a problem for me.
Turned around and after the legs she took of the underwear and start playing around. It was just great and still joking. The HJ was just right for me. No complaints.
I had a talk with the manager again and he's telling that they are making 50(!) rooms all like VIP... with Jacuzzi.
Will I return? Definitely!
To keep it short. Joy can't reach the sensual toches of Cika but is wasn't bad at all. A plus point fir Joyce
thanks for all my best customer and please come again..and for uncle G ...thanks u so much...for your atenttion
Hi Mister T.
Is that the T-manager from the place?
If that's a fact .... thank your for recommending me Joy(ce). It was a pleasure being with her :)
See you back next week!
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yes ...and we still have many surprise for next time ...and see you to...
yes...and we still have many surprise for next time ...thanks very much and see you to.
When is next time Mr. T ?
januari 2011
thanks for sharing bro Explorer..
wow Mr T is here! Any discounts for commenting? kakaka joking :)
Looks like I have to make another trip in January 2011 to check out mr.T's new place...if I get an opportunity, I may come back again soon...its too good to resist...
for marley thanks so much and see you next time for uncle G ,,,special price for you
Don't worry about it bro!.. I'd love to pay more for good services..
Hey Uncle G I was lucky enough to experience the Hot Stone massage at Delta Spa, is there anywhere similar in Bali, eg classy services & great massage and willing to go the extra length?? Also where can I find a nice massuse that will visit a villa to service my girl and I?? cheers
Hi Mr. T.
What do you think what Uncle wrote before about Delta Spa. "The Superman Style"
The nice part begun when she massaged my butt area. She opened both of my legs. She seat between them using her knee. Then she took my right leg and put it on the top of her right leg. Did the same thing with my left leg. So now my bottom abs kind of fly, my legs were opened wide and I couldn't hide my sunhole. Some people call this superman style.
After the position was right, she started massaging. She completely massaged all area in front of her. From knee, leg, abs, balls, hole, butt, dick EVERYTHING!
If you're not sure what he means with the position of the legs then just ask him. I would be more than happy to be your model next time if you need me, hahaha
oh ya ....enjoy forever hahahahaha
bro eric: well this (freeze) place is the closer.. for villa.. I think Mr T should be able to help you, don't you Mr T?
bro explorer: I pray for you bro! hahahahaha..
Hey Mister T.
You just read what Uncle wrote? He will pay for me! It's written on black and white! So next time I'm coming I just tell you that you can put it on Uncle G's bill ;)
And to make Uncle happy I'll put a review about the experience ;) What a deal! hahaha
By the way uncle. Can you let us know who's going topless? Or do you need a secret password for that? Who's the cutest according to you? Or maybe Mr. T. can answer the question about the topless thing or maybe he doesn't know about this?! hahahahaha
bro.. i think you forget to wear your glassess.. read it again bro.. you miss the R.. kakaka..
topless? try them all lah.. then you'll know kakakaka..
does body arum have the so-called 'human aquarium' to choose the girls?
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Hai Uncle G and Mr. T
I'm local people and I'm B.A customer, and I never realize that Mr.T has another place,..
I would like to try the place,... can you tell me more about the topless? coz actually, I'm a little bit shy to ask,... but if I know exactly, maybe i will more wild... hehe...
If already try all kind massage in B.A. so it will be disappointed if I must get the same one
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@ FOOH....where you go... and what,s your doing hahahahaha @ mr explorer..i know you man xixixixi @ abaut topless ...what,s meaning ,,,,word to big
bro bad3: don't have..
mr T: aquarium in the future? kekekeke
Hm, It's true Uncle that it's pray and not pay but it was worth giving it a try ;)
@ Mr. T: well that's good that you know me. When do you need me to be a model then? hehehehe
and if you wanna know everything about toplessness then you have to go to the following site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toplessness
ok. so how do we choose girls at body arum? using picture?
it's consider a regular spa place.. so by name bro..
.>uncle....look at letter i hope more .>mr Explorer...hahahaha...yes we need model ..but me do it..ok ..?xixixixi
@ Mr. T.: Forget about it!!! I will have private sessions in your place and telling them what to do.
Just don't know yet which one I will take next time. I had Joyce, I had Siska, I had Cika and Suci. Should I stay with them or should I go for another adventure???
mr explorer....please try all...and thanks so much
good answer mr t! kakaka..
explorer: let us know bro :)
No it's not a good answer Uncle.
Mr. T is just a good salesman :)
Maybe it's not a good idea to make reports as I don't want to put the women into trouble with Mr. T ;)
HAHAHA.. encrypt your languange bro.. :)
hahaha sounds like mr.explorer is a regular.
between Joyce, Siska, Cika and Suci; which one do you find the best?
i'm sure they won't get into trouble
Hi Bad,
I believe it depends on what you like. Hard or soft massage. A lotta teasing or not. Younger or not so young. Good looking, less good looking. Experienced or not.
I would recommend you to go over there and talk with Mr. Tatang, the spa manager. I'm sure he will give you a good therapist as they have eight or nine therapists in total...
Oh yeah, the rate for a two hour massage in the VIP room cost 225k. (!) what a bummer...
Don't forget to share your experiences BadBone ;)
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MR Explorer and Uncle G many thanks. _____please try Mita tiger sensual._____Yayak mmmhhh you lucky boy______and listya ...little but wild ...aaauuunnngggggg
yesterday i went there, but i can't find the place,..
and tell me what time that not busy hours..?
I really envy you guys...so close to paradise/pleasure...wish can be there now and try everyone of them...
Uncle G, I have promoted Freeze Massage to many guys who I came across around the world during my biz trips and they just can't wait to try...thanks to you.
Mr.T...hope biz is good.
Mr T: WOW.. can't wait to try these girlsss..
Ampuh: you cant find it? hmm.. follow the gps I gave.. busy time? well this one you should call mr T to book a room..
Marley Man: cool bro.. glad to share :)
Hey Mr.T, who is that lady on your sign? Is that one of your therapists ?
since this is the only active thread, will ask here;
heard some good reviews on star bugar jaya. anyone tried it? also the price if anyone knows
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ooh...good...and...enjoys brow
hi uncle G
i have been to B.A and snow massage....actualy my house is not to far from there,
the service is great but sometimes a HJ is just not enough if you know what i mean....
can u PLEASE write as a reccomendation of good please for BJ and FJ in bali...
all i know is melati but is not that great....
thank you and your blog is an inspiration for us all! love your work.
Hi bro eikon.. r u the owner of eikon? great place bro.. i mean great chicks! hahaha
I find that BJ and FJ is really depends on the girls, not the place. A while ago, the best BJ was Anggie in Kuta Timur Massage. I'm not sure if she's still around. She will do CIM (come in mouth).
I wrote this last time http://www.indoholiday.com/2008/11/kuta-timur-resort-massage-and-spa.html
I find best FJ still in Sanur area.
Best pussy so far http://www.indoholiday.com/2008/11/jegeg-bulan-ex-kuta-sauna.html. But need some efforts to get fak.
thanks for all your comment ....!!!! so to increase care and the good Quality,we have new therapist with different sensation more soft and more beautiful take it.......!!! so please try and remember to booking and please contact our person or office.thanks before.
and special thanks for uncle G please come and get special price for you.
Hi Mr. T,
Long time no see!
How about the new prices? I heard it's like 175k, 200k and 225k?
Can you tell us the difference please?
hi mr explorer how are you good?....
only different room,but same style massage..
175 for 1,5 hour
200 for 2 hour
225 for VIP
please try chair sensation . . on next moon
Thanks mr t.. But don't worry about it :) .. Good service means good money..
Chair sensation? Wowww.. Can't wait!
Ok Uncle G. If you don't wanna have the special price then I will take it! How about that?! Hahaha
Chair sensation?!
I'm getting very curious here!
Also sexy/sensational touches Mr. T. ? ;)
Bro EX: pleaseeee help yourself! Kakaka.. Chair? First time I hear also.. Hmmm.. Any tips mr T?
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Uncle G ...OK bro.
Mr explorer...sensation chair ,,,smoking and drinking,,,OK
Smoking and drinking??????
Are we talking about a massage in a bar??? =D
Very strange...
Mr explorer ...ya really strange and unique .
oh ya special price for you...hahahahaha
Came back from yet another good pijat salju.
Therapist was Joce and until now she's my favorite. If you think about the whole package what means for me: Good massage, the ending, customer care and most imoortant for me, the fun factor, you can't go wrong with her.
Especially for people that are doing this for the first time, she will make you feel comfortable. It looks like she has a really good looking body underneath that uniform as well in combination with a prety face. She also says that its almost like a mission for her to make you cum. Be nice to her and she will be nice to you.
Although for the more experienced people here I would recommend Cika. For now I've tried four different girls and she just have that sensual touch. Talking some Indonesian with her helps to experience the touch you want.
Further I had the experience of having a massage from Siska (great looking body, angelic looking face and nice massage) and Yaya (different touch but not bad at all). Alle the four of them do the job with a smile.
It would be nice to have somewhere pictures of the girls working in the Spa here on the internet Mr. T.
What do you think about that??? In case you don't have a website you can upload pictures on a websie where you just can upload pictures and put the links here in this blog.
How about that? What do other people think about this?
Even though I don't drink that much and certainly not smoke... can't wait to try this new experience nex month :)
Anyway... off I go to Ubud again. The massage city but none of them with the same amazing touch as the freeze massage, haha
really nice info bro EX.. thx..
what it has to do with drinking and smoking? i'm so fakin curious!
Mr. T: Send me the pics.. I'll put it up here..
i.am sorry Mr G and all my best costumer i can,t put therapist picture here because many reason .
maybe i wan to try another picture like room , snow massage and hot chair sensation model.i have special thanks for Mr explorer and uncle G.
hello mr.T, can i get your place ( frezee massage) phone number for booking the vip room now? thank you
If nothing has changed then the number should be 0361 2735999
Have a good time!
Thank you very much Mr.T, you're right listya is little but wild... very wild..., for you guys you must try her, you need no command her, she knowed what you needs.
@Mr.T : please don't forget to make me a member card, i'll back on this friday at 12.00. and hope you have other recommend that more wild than her.
Hey Mr.T, could you please do something about these problems:
- the floor is so slippery and oily.
- the room is kinda smelly, smell like someone just jack-off there.
- I'm pretty sure you don't change the bedsheets for every client, eeuuuwwww!
- the bathroom, don't get me there, still bloody dirty.
Dude, please fix those, thanks.
Mr..explorer and Uncle G many thank,s
Mr..Dude thanks for your comment bro and i hope everything good next time.
Mr ..Filipus thanks for your time and we hope you comeback again every week xixixixi...
hi Mr T do you do service for couples? my wife and i are looking for sensual freeze massage.
Can you help?
just had freeze with Listya yesterday.
if you get quite high and know her enough you can ask her for double. She'd do your x spot twice, once when you're facing down (imagine how) and another when you're on your back - after letting you rest for 15 minutes and another 15 minutes massaging your front.
try 21 sensation ....amazing
Mrluke...we can do it
Mr Nuruma ...Listya my best therapist she good job .thanks for your coming.
Just heard the news about 21 finger sensation.. I will go soon.. You are good business man mr t kekeke
thanks uncle ..please come
we have new place,new therapist and new sensation...all VIP room .
Just had 21 with the Drivers (if i wasn't wrong) :) so hard to remember the names after what happened LOL.
The VIPSs are far more convenient (but the shower floor is too high sir, almost tipped over there) Mr. T, with the new service, wonder what more to come with your brilliant business, sir.
I'd come again upon my next visit to Bali.
Mr Nuruma ..yes. shower is my problem now.but next time shower floor not too high again, we have hot chair sensation for next time.
uncle...when you try ...kekeke
soon soon soon !!.. i'm still out of town.. oh man.. can't wait..
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21 Sensation??? Tell us a bit more Mr. T!!! Especially the price. I can't come quite often anymore as it's a bit expensive for me at your place :((
Hi Mr. T, on what number can we call you for reservation? Which of your masseures you will recomend for a good massage plus plus? Pretty face and hot body...
Uncle G, Hi, what is the name of Mr. T's Spa and how do I get there? (Address and Directions)
Uncle already have put the address in his review.
"Jalan Tukad Batanghari.
Google Maps:-8.681451,115.229802. Please look for the sign Massage Salju on the west side"
Mr. T's number is +62 81 805 377 812
And it's not a plus plus place. one plus you will have is the handjob. The other plus you have to go and find it somewhere else I suppose...
Tks explorer my friend! Well noted one plus, but do the girls strip, can we request a body to body?
Sorry for the questions mate, this is my first time in Bali and a bit curious on how it works here. So any advice and tips and recommendations will be gladly accepted.
hi bro.. in this place (freeze).. they won't strip.. at all.. we can't even touch them..
So the kind of services.. you could go to different places.. check this one out mate.. http://www.indoholiday.com/2009/02/bali-complete-sex-destination-guide.html
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MM..bro..thanks for your coming.
uncle ..thanks so much.21finger waiting you kekekekeke
MR explorer ...we give special price for you ....don.t worry and you call me please before.ok
Hi, Mr. T
im off to bali next month..
can i have your number please.
so i can call you for rsvp.
halo Mr feng...my no 081805377812/081353092962.
0r my office 03612735999.
for Uncle thanks so much.
Very nice thread Uncle G "four thumbs up!"
What's the opening hours mr T?
Uncle G, What place would you recommend for a nice BJ (or FJ..hahaha always wants more!) in Nusa Dua?
I travel a lot to this place, and sometimes have only few hours in the evening (or morning??) 00.00 hrs or in the morning 07-09. strange hours for leisure?
Thanks a lot before. your blog is sooo informative!
Very nice thread Uncle G "four thumbs up!"
What's the opening hours mr T?
Uncle G, What place would you recommend for a nice BJ (or FJ..hahaha always wants more!) in Nusa Dua?
I travel a lot to this place, and sometimes have only few hours in the evening (or morning??) 00.00 hrs or in the morning 07-09. strange hours for leisure?
Thanks a lot before. your blog is sooo informative!
thanks bro!
that early morning? i dont think any. at midnight, the nearest to nusa dua would be pelangi. they close at 2am if im not wrong.
Wats new at your place Mr T ? I have tried your amazing 21 fingers. Anything new?
Hi Uncle
Thanks for your sharing.
Just came back from Bali and plan to go again somewhere in September.
Do you hv some places in Kuta that provide BJ?
Mr.T: Smoking and drinking done by? Just curious. hehe
not good...very bed treatment
uncle G and all re,FREZZ customer please try snow angel new sensation .
colorwave...thanks bro ,smoking and drinking .for next time see u at VVIP re,frezz.
Bali kedek tour ...thanks for your coment....bro.
Hey Bali Kedek!
If it's very bad then you should tell us why it's bad.
Saying that it's very bad but publishing on your website ( http://balikedek.wordpress.com/2011/06/02/hello-world/#comments ) and trying to make big profit out of it is all fine I guess.
So tell us Kedek... what's so bad about it bro?!
WOW WOW BRO EXPLORER.. you seem like FREEZE PR now.. hahaha..
another sensational invention by MASTER T.. will go there SOON!
Punapi gatra paman G ;)
People should write more complete stories so we know what to expect when you go into such a place.
Anyway, probably going back this week! Maybe we should meet some day ;)
hi...guys.. just come n visit us at re'frezz spa... batanghari street VI/6... if u need any information just contact me..Mr.Dit Ajus +6281236333076..
if u have any comment n critical just say it... coz we need it....
For information.. we plan..n starting to make our spa growing bigger... we will build a new room..,.at least 14 room by gazebo each one.. looks like japanesse style...with a very nice landscape, we will operating the jaccuzi soon.... so don't worry.. we'll treat u better n better everyday...ha ha ha
thanks for uncle G and explorer and..all my best customer.for attention...
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many people came back again to re'FREZZ spa..
so if you like just come n try again ..or if u like to try their newest terapist plz come... they're so young n cute.. i've been try them... it's amazing...speechless as ussually ha ha ha...... damn good... just contact Mr.T n Mr.dit ajus for reservation...coz they always full book.....
yeahhh ... always full book... but I remember.. when I took a last order... the manager wait for me on the sofa and sleep on the sofa.. hahhaha....
he is the man!!
♣:)Æћǟπƙ-Ç™♣ mr valen for coming but I think not me hahaha ,,I'm never sleep there .maybe my asistand maneger but no problem .tired maybe.
Uncle...come come come hahahaha
Mr explorer ♣:)Æћǟπƙ-Ç™♣ for coming
Uncle ,,,you like ghost you know hahahaha
Mr valen ,,hahahaha not me iam never sleep there maybe my asistand waiting you last time.but ♣:)Æћǟπƙ-Ç™♣ for your comming bro.
i m ghost! hahahaha
Hi Uncle G / Mr.T
I'm stay at Sanur Paradise, how to get the best way to re'frezz ?
Walking / Taxi / or....
how r u pak sudi!.. taxi would be the best.. it's about 4km maybe from your hotel..
woooowww....realy fast response...great
how about BodyArum ? how far from Sanur PAradise ?
who is the cutes/preetiest one for those two ? i love ligth skin gals ;)
thanks for your advice
by taxi possible, its about 15 minutes drive
for uncle ,,,,yes. because ,,mmmhh who are you ,,,hahahahahahaha,,,but thanks for your kind.
Hi, Mr.T
what is open hour for refrezz ?
Uncle G/ Explorer
who is the most beautiful / preety face in refrezz ?
for MR T, why doyou not recommend the owner to provide the blow job. I think that is the man want, just BJ not FJ.
@The Snowholic :
if ask what all man want, ... i think the answer is,...
get HJ, and then ask BJ, and last FJ,.. hahaha......
to Uncle : Any recomended? who's is the most wild (and able to do topless)..?
pak sudi: freezz, 21 finger and body arum are in same neighborhood..
cutest? i dunno.. never try them all..
pooh: none of them (i've tried) are wild.. they did as the SOP
i'll help MR T answer this..
snow: they only do massage in certain point to provide the sensation.. to help your sex life.. we are not providing the sex itself.. is this right MR T?
BUT MR T: we're quite bored already with the massage.. you've got to find a way to make us happier! hahaha
same with i'am thinking uncle G, I feel bored about the massage and I just wanna give some idea. how about the terapist use bikini?
same wiht i'am thinking uncle G.i feel bored with the massage and i just give some idea. how about if the terapist just use bikini? he3x...
I have been there twice this week, the place is clean and decent.
250 - 300K for 1,5 hour is fair including small beer, tee and fruit plate. The girls are between 20-25yo, 6/7 from 10, they do stadartized procedure, legs, back, bottom, front and excellent handjob with the help of cooling body milk. Needed to swith of ac as to cold, shower with plenty of shampoo in the room, warm towels after action , then she cleaned the bed, changed immediately the bedlinen and sanitized the shower. Costs 250, 300, 350 according the procedure, you may check the pictures of girls on the screen in the lobby and make a choice.
The girls do not not speak any English, can recommend Tyna ad Kiki, both well trained and smiling. They did not allow to touch their bodies, just arms. I did not push.
Overall feeling is very good, however they made 1,5 Hour treatment done in 75min.
Where can I find a good place in Seminyak?
Dear Uncle G I wil be in Bali on the 13th of January and then again in second week of march. Thank you very much for all your information can you recommend an english speaking wild girl topless for HJ and BJ. I will stay in Kuta paradiso so will they allow a girl in my room? Please advise. Also I am an Indian so will that make it difficult for me?
sandstone: thanks for sharing bro!
net: check this out: http://map.indoholiday.com
ask: you have to bring the girl with you.. the girl is not allowed to come in by herself.. with you will be OK.. Indian is good bro! HJ BJ in topless? search for kuta bugar or melati in this blog..
Halo.uncle thanks for your support and many thanks for all my costumer .
next time maybe we have that treatment ..kakakakakaakakkkk
I just had this sensational massage yesterday. Guys I can confirm this is by far the BEST MASSAGE I have ever experienced (massage experience over 13 different countries). This must be the MUST VISIT place in Bali. HJ was really erotic. I’ll visit tomorrow again and day after tomorrow and day after (my last day in Bali) as well.
Interesting site.... i just started to distribute a sensational massage product which based on Sea weed not oil. its a great product i have tried it myself and the sensation is heaven hehehe... please www.nuruindonesia.com. Since you seems to familiar with all the places, wil you be interested to become distributor in Bali. I believe Bali is potential market. please call me for detail ++6281311451097
I dont know how to speak English. how can i get there?
I don't speak English. How can I get there?
u write this down:
Pijat Salju
Jl. Tukad Batanghari, Renon, Denpasar
Give it to taxi driver. Remember to bring your hotel name card also!
Had again a great time in Refreeze now with a tall girl named Puput. I just took the normal snow massage just like the old days.
Once again a good experience with a beer in between the massage, nasi/mie goreng and the girl was nice as well.
I have to say that I was almost never disappointed in the service they give me with Mr. T. as being a good host so as the rest of the staff. A bonus is that you can have one massage for free if you already had 7 treatments before, meaning that number 8 is free of charge.
Uncle G. I have to mention something which probably will interest you. After the tarantula massage which I also recommend they now have a new kind of massage. Actually I forgot the name but it's something like a sandwich. That's right, you will be sticking between two women, both on the table but also in a pool where the women wear swimsuits. It's a two hour treatment with two therapists. After the massage they will accompany you in the shower and wash you completely. After the shower you will have the company of both of them, joining you for your meal so you can have a talk with them as well.
Not sure about the price though but I guess that you have to go and check it out yourself ;) or I guess that you can give a call to Mr. T. himself?
Anyway... I'm interested in your report if you would go there again :)
reallyyyy? wow.. i'll be reporting soon! hahah
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