Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Batam Another Indonesian Sex Paradise

When I lived in Singapore, I liked to travel around. Singapore is the richest country in SE Asia. When you receive Singapore Dollar, and spend it outside Singapore such as Malaysia and Indonesia, you will have double pleasure. Almost all pleasures were cost half of them in Singapore.

One place I like to travel is Batam. In my first visit, since I dunno anything about Batam, I took a city tour from the ferry terminal. I was taken to some tourist area which was quite boring. The tour guide seemed to understand me. He soon became my best friend there. After finished the city tour, we dropped all the passenger to their hotel, we continued exploring some red areas. We went around from one place to others. According to him each place had 200 - 500 girls. And that time, I was late, girls were booked out!. After round and round found 2 girls but they seem so tired and not feeling well. But what the hack, I won't spend my night alone here. It cost me like 50 SGD (in 2000) for one whole night. I had the other girl also for the guide.

Then the guide took me to a hotel which was within my budget. We got fak, dinner, disco and fak. Well the girl wasn't nice, she's just too tired. I didn't think she had a sleep last night. In the morning we have another session.

It was more fun the second time I went there. Some days before I went there, I called the guide to prepare me with the girls. When I got there, everything was ready. And the girls of course were so much better. I'm sorry I lost his contact, but you'll find a lot of them in Batam.