Just had a really kick an rush trip yesterday to East Java. At noon time around 14:00 I arrived to this nice cool little village. I went from Pandaan, heading south. Then in the next intersection, there was a sign to go to Tretes heading west. Unfortunately, this road was not on google map. But the sign was clear and there was only one street.
I went up the hill, about 10 - 15 minutes driving, I noticed some people asking me if I was looking for villa. I kept driving til surya hotel. I parked opposite the hotel. Someone then approached me, "villa bos?" Then he joined me in the car to go the villa.
The villa was just nearby. 5 min driving. After looked at the villa, doing a bit of nego, finally the cost was 100.000 for 3 hour. No aircon, since it already cool. No tv, what for?.
Then we went to shopping. He took me to some places. We drove a few minutes away. Then we continued walking. We entered house by house in these very little and steep street. Big WOW.. So many places.. So many girls.. Some of them very pretty.. But they booked out.. Damn.. Indo-chinese was among the favorite..
And finally, I chose Nova. Light skin, big boops, ok face. I've uploaded the pic here => Indoholiday Photobucket. Price was 300.000 short time. We took her to the villa.
After finished some hard sports, we went around the area. Sex was ok, nothing new, nothing special. And we stopped in KFC to eat. Another junk food lunch. Yeah she insisted to go there.
Then we were back to villa. Continued with the sports and massage.
Overall it's been a really nice experience.
Google map: -7.69185,112.62892
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