If you haven't got anytime to "browse" around the area, you might just buy one or two top local newspapers such as Bali Post, Jawa Post (look for Radar Bali) and Denpasar Post. There are some more papers but I never read them, so no idea.
I have a bit of clue on howto spot these freelancers. They put an ads as massage service. Look inside writing ads, focus on Rupa Rupa area or Massage area. Some words such as Sensational Massage, Relaxation, Full Massage, Panggilan (call service) are normally as their keywords. I have two newspapers in my office right now. Monday is not a good day for them I guess. I only spot 2 of them. Friday and Saturday more. I'll update when I notice them more.
It's a bit difficult to differentiate the real and the plus one. To confirm, ring them and ask whether they provide "full service". Yupe, that's the word. Full Service.

I scanned from Bali Post on Sunday 17.05.2009. I couldn't find any in today's paper. Circle in blue is massaged by man. Circle in red is by girl. You can try your luck for the last one.

This part I scanned from Denpasar Post today. First one is massaged by man. Second one (Ratna) should try the keyword. Same as the last one (Puri Bunga).

This one I took from Jawa Post - Radar Bali today. 20 May 2009. Blue underline massaged by man. The first one Murni, states "only massage nothing else" ..

The red circle !! Taken from Bali Post 20.05.09